ENO Treelympics is an event for schools, children and youth and additionally to cities or municipalities. Trees that have been planted between March 21 and  Nov 21 2020 are included in the contest. After that you can register trees but they are not counted for ENO Treelympics 2020.


Local communities and parents are welcome to assist with seedlings, planting areas and preparatory work. Find areas that are big enough, suitable for tree planting and safe. Plant only trees species of local origin. If you plant different species register  them all when you enter the data online in Envirate.


When you enter information to Envirate about your tree planting, this information is needed
1. First take a photo
2. Tree species: We have over 60 000 tree species in the database with their scientific names.
3. Number of trees planted: inform the exact number of trees planted, in numbers
4. Number of participants: how many people took part including people who did possible preparatory work

You need internet connection to enter the data. If you have a slow internet connection you can use this lite version:

The overall results of ENO Treelympics 2020 are based only on the data submitted with Envirate. If schools have connectivity problems with internet we suggest to ask assistance from local school authorities. In this case you can also email to info@enoprogramme.org. We will help you.

As ENO lays strongly focus on ethical sustainability, we are committed to be honest.  Country coordinators and outside observers will make visits to verify tree planting actions at schools and in communities. And of course, results are easily verified when we see trees on the map!


Schools category cover schools under primary and secondary education, students 6-18 years old. So universities and higher education are excluded from this category. But we have youth category for older students under Individuals. Only school members are eligible to plant ( students, teachers, staff and parents). Local communities are welcome to assist with seedlings, planting areas and preparatory work.

In the country category, we sum up the number of trees planted in different countries, see the number of registered schools and relatively biggest percentage of schools per country. The representative of country will be national ENO coordinator or if a new country, school that has planted most trees there.

All the participants will receive ENO Treelympics Certificates. Medals will be given to three best participants in both categories. Top 10 schools will be invited to attend ENO Treelympics Seminar and Award Ceremony, to take place December 2020 in Taiwan.