Weather, together! is a twinning project of two European primary schools: Suhmura school from Finland and Podružnična šola Bilje school from Slovenia. Aim of the project is the students learn from each country’s climate and geographical circumstances. Students in both schools and countries treat the subject of weather and teach each other inspiring ways to learn both using natural science and creative methods. Students also learn from each country’s culture and habits. They learn how to use English by presenting creations and works to each other. The schools work together with named teachers and under supervision of partner organisation Environment Online ENO. ENO’s environmental educator helps the schools to plan activities, collaborate and communicate. Schools are participating for example ENO Weather Week organised twice in a year. The project is also updated and found from eTwinning Twinspaces.
Content list for the project:
- The start
- Weather observations in Suhmura
- Christmas meeting & greeting
1. Autumn 2023: The start
In autumn 2023 we got to together and set up the eTwinning Twinspace for the project. The start for the project was launched during ENO Weather Week 2023.
2. Weather observations in Suhmura
Suhmura schools 3rd graders made weather observations participating in ENO weather week. They used a printed version of ENO’s weather database translated in finnish. They made snow depth measurements. The weather in November was quite cold and snowy compared to recent years and September was abnormally warm – the early arrival of winter surprised many habitants of Finland and North Karelia.
Learning about the weatherWinter landscapes and playes in the snow
Seasons artworks
Solar winds were active at the end of November so Aurora Borealis were often seen over the Finnish skies -even in the southern parts of the country!
2.1 Seasonal celebrations in Finland
6 Nov in Finland is Independence Day. The schools celebrate this important event in various ways. Images from the Suhmura school celebrations settings.
3. Christmas meeting and greeting
The classes and teachers met for the first time online in a videometing held just before entering in the Christmas holidays. Weather week works were presented and students learned each other’s language by repeating weather words in both local languages. National anthems were heard and other Christmas or winter songs were sung. So lovely!
4. Springtime joy
Suhmura school students took the joy out of winter and made a skiing tirp nearby the school. Afterwards they made artworks of this wintry trip.
From here you can listen to a fun Finnish winter song “Talvella” (english: during the winter) which tells about all the fun activities you can do during winter: skating, skiing, riding with sled, making snowmans..