ENO India
Environment Online – ENO is a global virtual school and network for sustainable development. Environmental themes are studied throughout the school year and campaigns arranged simultaneously around the world.
Recent Event
On the occasion of the launch of #decadeonrestoration by UN Environment Programme on World Environment Day, ENO India together with Act Now and other organizations organized a unique 24-hour non-stop web event. Find details below:

Peace Is Green – Every Act Matters
4-5 June 2021
On the occasion of the launch of #decadeonrestoration by UN Environment Programme on World Environment Day, ENO India together with Act Now and other organizations organized a unique 24-hour non-stop web event. People from different sectors, media personalities, entrepreneurs, and civil society leaders participated in this mega event and added theirt voice and call to action for restoration of our ecosystems. Speakers shared experiences and individual actions they take in their daily lives to protect the planet. The livestream event also featured interactive dialogues and social media moments.
Web page: http://actnow.org.in/peace-is-green-2021.html
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/actnoworgin

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