24-28 Feb, 2025:

ENO Weather week is held once in a year – every last week of February (week number 9). The project is aimed at primary and secondary schools around the world. 


Spreadsheet of the weatherdata collected from 2014- is found here

Need a certificate of participation for your school/class: Registrate to the event from here

See also the ENO Weather Week Padlet for ideas:


General info:

ENO Weather week is an international project for the primary and secondary schools that is linked to ENO Climate Change Campaign. The week takes place twice in a year in a specified time period (weeks 5 and 43). The Idea is to observe weather from different aspects; the temperature, air pressure, humidity or the amount of rainwater or snow for example. Can you name the clouds or what is the wind direction and speed?

The schools are organizing the event themselves with the equipment they have. The standard weather protocols and instruments are used. ENO offers the observation form and international network to share and discuss about the results.  Many ENO schools have made weather observations for years and are experienced. In this project project we have some of those experienced schools who can help others with less experience. Instructions to set up your weather station can be provided to schools.

Weather data will be submitted online to ENO Database and it will be used in school projects and ENO Climate Change Campaigns. All the schools are welcomed to participate!


2021 – CHANGEMENT Project Works:

  • Madliena secondary school & Smiltene secondary schools from Latvia





  • Obrtničko-industrijska škola Županja (School of Crafts and Industry Županja) Mentor:  Davor Relja, mag. geogr.   

          ENO WEATHER WEEK Oct 2021 – report Županja (Croatia) 











An online students meeting between 4 schools from 4 differents countries (Finland, Croatia, Lithuania and Israel) was organised to share and present the results. Here a couple of images from the meeting: